I Live
Here Too.
In bustling Hong Kong, alongside the urban landscape, diverse wildlife also inhabit the city. However, their habitats are diminishing due to urbanization, pollution, and climate change, placing many species in jeopardy.By shedding light on the plight of Hong Kong’s endangered wildlife, we strive to prompt action and protection for these creatures who share our city spaces.
“Hello, I live here too!” — they deserve a place to thrive, just as we do.

West Lantau Waters

Shui Hau

Mau Ping

Deep Water Bay Valley

Inner Deep Bay

Sha Lo Tung

Hok Tau to Tan Chuk Hang

Hoi Ha Wan

“I want to stay in my home”
Can you make my wish come true?
The survival of these threatened species counts on our action now, please help by making a donation to support WWF’s conservation works!
Do you know the ecosystem health in Hong Kong is in critical situation?
According to “The State of Hong Kong Biodiversity 2025” Report, over 25% of the 886 assessed species from 8 major faunal groups are now facing a moderate or high risk of local extinction!
Our Conservation Works
The natural world underpins our economy, our society, and indeed our very existence. Our forests, rivers and oceans provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink. We also rely on them for numerous benefits and services that are essential for our health, happiness and prosperity.
WWF’s works focus on nature conservation, ensuring a sustainable future for all living things, including you, me, and all wildlife sharing this same planet with us!
WWF-Hong Kong has been working to protect our local biodiversity in various ways. Learn more about our conservation efforts and see how you can help.
Our Species
Get to know more about the species living around us!