Marine Animals
Marine animals are animals that mainly inhabit the sea. In Hong Kong, we have an amazing variety of habitats and species living in marine environment, however, their home is disappearing and even facing various threats everyday due to rampant development, human activities and pollution.
Please don’t forget these marine friends living in our oceans, JOIN US NOW to safeguard the biodiversity in Hong Kong’s waters.
© Olivia PW To
Chinese White Dolphin
The population of Chinese White Dolphins inhabiting the Pearl River Estuary, including Hong Kong, is believed to number around 2,000 individuals only. During the past few years, there has been a worrisome decrease in the number of young dolphins sighted in Hong Kong waters. If the trends continue, they are at risk of going extinct locally.
Chinese Horseshoe Crab
Two species of horseshoe crab can be found in Hong Kong. Human disturbance, overexploitation, habitat loss and degradation have all caused their population decline, with an estimated 4,500 to 7,300 juvenile horseshoe crabs left in Hong Kong. The Chinese Horseshoe Crab was listed as ‘Endangered’ under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2019.
Hong Kong Grouper
Used to be very common in Hong Kong’s eastern waters in the 1960s. Encountered high fishing pressure due to the high demand for the seafood trade. Together with the lack of habitat management, Hong Kong Grouper is now listed as “Endangered” under IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.