Terrestrial Animals

Terrestrial animals are animals that spend most of their time on land, including mammals, birds, butterflies, reptiles etc.

Despite the small land area in Hong Kong, there are many terrestrial animals living in this land, like you and me. However, some species like Chinese Pangolin, Yellow Pansy and Yellow-breasted Bunting are facing moderate to high risk of local extinction due to urban development and lack of adequate policy.

Whether these animal “neighbours” can continue to live in Hong Kong depends on the action we take today. 

JOIN US NOW to help safeguard the future of these “vulnerable friends”!

Chinese Pangolin

This globally “Critically Endangered” species has experienced a drastic population decline across its natural range worldwide over the past few decades due to poaching and illegal trade. Likewise, Chinese Pangolin is very rare in Hong Kong, and is thinly distributed in the territory.

Yellow Pansy

Yellow Pansy is a striking butterfly, with brilliant blue spots on the bright yellow upperside. It prefers dry open habitat such as grassland-shrubland and farmland. It has now become increasingly rare in Hong Kong.

Yellow-breasted Bunting

Yellow-breasted Bunting is a globally “Critically Endangered” species threatened by hunting and decline of paddy fields throughout its global range. Thanks to local and regional conservation efforts since mid-2000s, its local population has stabilised since 2020 but remains small.

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