What we do
Although Hong Kong has a rich local biodiversity, many ecologically sensitive areas and biodiversity hotspots are under threat from urbanisation. Habitat destruction due to lack of adequate policy, legislation, management and urban planning, pushes many of our precious species to the brink of extinction.
WWF act as a watchdog for Hong Kong’s natural environment, providing science-based solutions and working with stakeholders to develop a realistic and workable path forward. The followings are some of the works we do recently:
“The State of Hong Kong Biodiversity 2025” Report
WWF-Hong Kong has initiated a study and published “The State of Hong Kong Biodiversity 2025” Report recently, which intended to serve as a major reference for Government officials, researchers, environmental consultants, green groups etc. helping them prioritise the limited resources for where it matters most, maximising conservation outcomes and ensuring that critical habitats are conserved and properly managed.
The results revealed a significant number of Hong Kong’s biodiversity is at risk of local extinction, with lowland species inhabiting wetland, riverine, farmland and other open country habitats experiencing the most serious decline requiring urgent conservation intervention. Having seen this, we have provide list of key recommendations for related parties and organizations , hoping to deal with the major local threats to vulnerable species in Hong Kong.
To know more about our work on conserving Hong Kong biodiversity: https://www.wwf.org.hk/en/biodiversity/
Mai Po Nature Reserve
WWF-Hong Kong has been managing Mai Po Nature Reserve for over 40 years, with support from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government, which oversees the overall conservation management of the Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site.
The five main habitats in Mai Po Nature Reserve and the surrounding area – gei wai, freshwater ponds, inter-tidal mudflats, mangroves and reedbeds – are home to a host of wildlife and wintering ground for many species of migratory waterbirds along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF).
Also, Mai Po Nature Reserve provides facilities for us to implement a series of education and awareness-raising programmes with the overall objective of inspiring, motivating, and mobilizing youth and students in Hong Kong to participate in the global conservation movement. The public can also visit Mai Po Nature Reserve for guided eco-tours, allowing them to engage with and experience the wetlands.
We will continue to manage the Mai Po Nature Reserve as a climate-resilient and adaptive staging and wintering ground for migratory wetland-dependent birds along the EAAF as well as a habitat for threatened indigenous biodiversity. We also manage the reserve as a regional hub for environmental education and wetland management training.
Please refer our “Mai Po Nature Reserve Management Plan (2024-2029)” to learn more about our conservation targets and key activities. Link to full report.